Despite more than a decade of policies placing high priority on cereal intensification,
backed by one of the highest rates of public expenditures on agricultural in Africa, Ethiopia has
yet to see payoffs in terms of higher and more stable cereal yields, reduced dependency on food
aid, improved food security, and lower consumer prices for staples. There is understandable
concern about the performance, efficiency and sustainability of the agricultural sector,
specifically in terms of the current systems for providing extension services, improved seed,
fertilizer, and credit. This paper aims to illuminate possible solutions available to improving the
prospects for cereal intensification in Ethiopia. The paper traces the largely state-led policies that
have been put in place to stimulate increased cereal productivity and examines the extent to
which these policies have had their intended impacts. This review indicates that although Ethiopia
has an admirable and sustained record of supporting seed-fertilizer technological intensification
in cereals, the related state-led policies have outlived their usefulness, suggesting the need for a
rethinking of approaches.