      recid = {34999},
      author = {Rimal, Arbindra and Moon, Wanki and Balasubramanian, Siva  K.},
      title = {Soyfood Consumption Pattern: Effects of Product Attributes  and Household Characteristics},
      address = {2007},
      number = {1367-2016-108369},
      series = {Selected Paper},
      pages = {32},
      year = {2007},
      abstract = {Effects of perceived attributes of soyfoods on the  consumption pattern for six different soyfood products were  evaluated. Perceived attributes included convenience,  health benefits, and taste. Six soyfood products were tofu,  vegetable burgers, soy milk, soy supplements, meat  substitutes, and soy cheese.  This study used conceptual  model that highlights the role of perceived attributes in a  demand model by combining Lancaster's characteristics model  with Fishbein's multi-attribute model.  Zero-inflated  negative binomial model (ZINB) was used as an empirical  specification to address the zero consumption of soyfood  products. Results show that perceived health attribute of  soyfood had differential effects across the six soyfood  products.  While having a significant effect on other  products, it did not influence tofu consumption decision.   Convenience of preparation and consumption, and  tastefulness had strong impacts consistently across all  five types of soyfood products. The study identified  several socio-economic characteristics of consumers that  had a significant relationship with soyfood consumption  patterns. However, these characteristics had varying  effects across the six soyfood products.  Implications for  food industry are discussed in relation to the differential  effects of health attributes and socio-demographic  profiles.},
      url = {http://ageconsearch.umn.edu/record/34999},
      doi = {https://doi.org/10.22004/ag.econ.34999},