@article{NyondoChristoneJ.:349207, recid = {349207}, author = {Nyondo Christone J., and Kambewa Patrick S., and Salonga Dinah T., and Muyanga Milu}, title = {What are the Potential Impacts of Export Mandates on Malawi’s Economy and Development Trajectory?}, address = {2025-02-03}, number = {2465-2025-078}, pages = {6}, month = {Feb}, year = {2025}, abstract = {ricultural transformation initiatives. We propose practical policy recommendations to refine Malawi's trade regulations. By shifting from restrictive measures to market-driven strategies such as variable export taxes, enhanced production incentives, and streamlined export earnings tracing. Malawi can harness the full benefits of international trade while protecting its economic stability.}, url = {http://ageconsearch.umn.edu/record/349207}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.22004/ag.econ.349207}, }