

One of the centers for seaweed cultivation in South Sulawesi Province is Sinjai Regency. Based on data regarding the export value approach and seaweed production value, it is known that there is a margin in determining the price of export seaweed in Indonesia and there are price fluctuations at the farm level. Therefore, it is considered necessary to determine its effect on seaweed marketing through a marketing analysis approach. This study aimedto determine the marketing efficiency of dry seaweed Glacillaria Sinjai Regency. This research was carried out in Sinjai Regency, South Sulawesi Province fromJune to September 2021. The research respondents consisted of 60 respondent farmers and 6 marketing institutions. Respondents were withdrawn using the purposive sampling method. This study's data analysis consisted ofanalyzingmarketing channels and institutions. In addition, quantitative analysis was carried out through a marketing margin value approach, farmer's share,and marketing efficiency analysis. The result of the margin analysis shows that channel I have the smallest marketing margin value, which is Rp. 7,400 for Glacillaria Sp.per kilogram of dried seaweed. In the analysis of the highest farmer's share that is equal to 35.29 percent. Researchresultsshows that marketing channel I am more efficient than marketing channel II and III which is reflected in marketing margin and farmer’s share.




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