The purpose of this paper is to assess the energy intensity of production in the Polish agri-food (agribusiness) sector, split into agriculture, food industry and supply subsectors, in the light of input-output tables. The study relies on input-output tables and physical energy flow accounts. Energy plays a key role in today’s society as it affects economic growth and the standards of living, while also being at the core of international conflicts, mainly caused by its limited resources. Compared to other sectors, agribusiness demonstrates particularly high levels of energy consumption. Agriculture, which is part of it, has a large share in the consumption of fuels derived from crude oil. This paper presents the consumption of energy in each of the four aggregates of agribusiness, as well as their GDP (in PPS) and energy consumption mix (split into 6 groups of energy carriers). The authors found that between 2014 and 2019, energy consumption in the agribusiness industry increased by ca. 9% and was accompanied by ca. 8% growth in GDP. The sector’s energy intensity was half more than the average level for the economy as a whole, and remained at ca. 5.6 TJ per EUR 1 million of GDP in PPS. Only the food industry was at a level of energy efficiency similar to that of the economy as a whole, whereas the agricultural supply subsector was the only one to demonstrate lower levels. Both the economy as a whole and the agribusiness sector clearly tend to reduce the share of coal and related products in the energy mix.