

Objective: To evaluate milk production, body condition and ethological behavior of grazing cows supplemented with chelated minerals and calcium salts, in dry tropical conditions. Design/methodology/approach: Two treatments were evaluated, T1Base feeding (grazing4 kg of concentrated feed cow1 day1 (CF); T2CF300 g cow1 day1 of nucleus (chelated mineralscalcium salts) (N). Milk production data were evaluated during 32 days in four periods of seven days, the body condition at the beginning, 15 and 30 days after the evaluation, and the ethological behavior of the cows. Results: In cows supplemented with nucelus, milk production increased 19.9% (P0.05); body condition improved 0.5 units, there was no difference in grazing time (P0.05) and rumination time was longer (P0.05). Limitations on study/implications: The response to reproductive variables was not assessed in this study/reproductive activity is likely to improve in response to improved body condition. Findings/conclusions: By supplementing dual-purpose cows in the first third of lactation with chelated minerals and calcium salts, milk production increases, and body condition and rumination time improve.




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