This study determines the factors that influence households' participation in the child labour force in Nigeria. Multistage sampling was used in selecting 1671 households, of which 1457 had children ages 5–14 years. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics and logit model. The results indicated that a high proportion (76.94%) of households participate in child labour. The results further showed the determinants of child labour participation to be household per capita income (p < 0.05), children's levels of education (p < 0.05), household head's perception of child labour (p < 0.05) and usefulness of children's education (p < 0.05), as well as literacy level (tertiary level-p < 0.10) and sex of household head (p < 0.10). Nonparticipating households scored significantly better than participating households on those socioeconomic characteristics that discourage child labour; as such, these must be influenced to reduce or eliminate child labour.