This research paper aims at observing a particular case, at both national and a provincial level, focusing specifically on the province of Chaco mainly during the XXI century while using it as model of sustainable development. The abovementioned case centers on the effective use of natural resources, the dynamic interaction between forest and agriculture as well as the implementation of a public policy package to a particular sector of the economy: Forestry (more specifically native forests). The objective of this work is to observe the impact of the implementation of Law 1762-R (OTBN) where the use of natural resources is carried out in a way that allows the satisfaction of the needs of the present without compromising future generations. The case of the implementation of the Law meant a before and after in the regulation of forestry, forestry and industrial activity, its interrelation with the expansion of the agricultural frontier and with citizens in general. However, it is immersed in a national development strategy that does not allow to overcome the mechanisms of value transfer to the central countries under the extractive logic as a mechanism of productivity compensation.