Food insecurity and poverty among households has led some households to food scavenging. This study assessed the factors associated with food scavenging amongst rural households in Aramoko Ekiti. The specific objectives were to describe the socio economic characteristics of the identified food scavengers, determine the influence of the scavenged food on their health status and describe the dietary Diversity of the identified food scavengers in Aramoko Ekiti.Purposive sampling technique was used to select 30 food scavengers who were consistently spotted at social gatherings; data was collected through the use of interview schedule. Focus group discussion was used to measure the quantitative data. Data was analysed using descriptive statistics. Results show that 56.7% of the food scavengers were female with the mean monthly income of N2,100.00. Body Mass Index shows that most (88.9%) of the food scavengers were within the normal range of 18.5 – 24.99. Majority (76.7%) of the food scavengers had low dietary diversity. Major determinants of food scavenging were insufficient family resources (73.3%), poverty (56.7%) and unstable home environment (53.3%). Majority (66.7%) of the respondents were identified to be consistent food scavengers. Respondents’ household size (χ 2=6.00), education (χ2=20.40), food expenditure (χ2=5.17), unstable family background (χ 2=12.26,) were significantly related to food scavenging. The food scavengers’ low dietary intake is due to small monthly income earned and insufficient family resources, this compelled them to compromise the standard and quality of food they consumed therefore the identified food scavengers should be supported through extension service education and other incentives that will assist them in farming in order to alleviate their poverty level.