Report Introduction: Present indications are that post-war markets for American fiber crops will be affected very materially by technological and other developments in the processing and marketing of textiles and other products that have occurred as a result of or that have been accelerated by the war. The partial or complete displacement of natural fibers by synthetic fibers for certain uses may result from the unprecedented impetus that has been given to the expansion of production facilities for the synthetic fibers for war uses. On the other hand, new or expanded markets for the natural fibers may be provided in connection with new products and processes that are now in process of development. An appraisal of the extent to which readjustments may be necessary in the processing and marketing of fiber crops as a result of the technological developments that have been initiated or accelerated by the events of the war, can, perhaps, best be made on the basis of an analysis of the situation with respect to: 1. Trends in the consumption of the principal fibers preceding the war and during the war period. 2. Recent developments in connection with some of the principal specific uses for fiber crops. 3. Probable post-war developments.