
The Darkan farm Management Advisory Service (DFMAS) was formed in 1960 by a group of farmers near Darkan Western Australia, to employ a consultant and provide members with farm management advice. Members have enjoyed huge success over the period and now rank among the most efficient wool growers in the world. Merino wool growing beingtheir production of choice. The early progress was spectacular; consolidation has been sure and steady. The future presents the real challenge of improving an already hyper efficient business. Other Extension, consulting. Co-operative situations attempt to achieve what the service already has - a cohesive independent group of farmers who aspire to excellence using consultants to assist them to achieve their aims. There is an informal group discipline and loyalty that when harnessed enables progress to be achieved on many fronts and in particular Quality Assurance and group marketing. The group is likely to continue into the foreseeable future as the ultimate in farm management advice and extension delivery.


