Cities in Tanzania are experiencing a rapid increase in commercial motorcycles as young people see it as an opportunity in the wake of rising unemployment. This has led to the creation of informal motorcycle parking spaces, as existing urban planning does not provide specific standards for commercial motorcycle parking spaces. The purpose of this study was to explore the challenges of such informal motorcycle parking spaces in urban areas. Structured interviews were conducted to collect statistical data and opinions of motorcyclists on their daily operations. Motorcycle drivers and users were interviewed to gather qualitative information on the criteria used in locating informal parking, activities or land uses that attract motorcyclists to a particular location, operation and management rules for parking, parking challenges facing motorcyclists, services needed at each motorcycle parking, tenure and ownership of motorcycle parking, potential areas for motorcycle parking, and the trend of motorcycle informal parking space use. The observation method was used to identify different locations of motorcycle parking spaces and users of motorcycles at different times of the day. The results indicate that informal motorcycle parking spaces in urban areas are associated with a wide range of challenges such as urban crimes, lack of formal parking spaces, lack of motorcycle infrastructure, encroachment of road reserves, encroachment of private spaces, road accidents, and environmental deterioration. This research recommends integrating motorcycles into formal transport systems and using geospatial techniques to establish suitable locations for motorcycle parking spaces. The study also recommends the inclusion of parking spaces in land use plans to ensure sustainable transport.