

The 2004 National Renewal Survey, undertaken for Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, provides information on Canadian farmers’ knowledge and adoption of various business management practices, use of training, and business and personal goals. The survey was conducted in December 2003 and January 2004. It surveyed 2,112 Canadian producers who were the main decision makers and earned at least $10,000 in gross farm revenues in 2002. Survey information is available on their goal achievement, business plans, financial management, training, and other areas of interest for policy and program development. Information is also available by farm typology (low-income, retirement, lifestyle, or business-focussed), major commodity and region. This survey work is being followed by two types of surveys in 2007. The 2007 National Renewal Survey will measure changes in business practices and training uptake since the 2004 National Renewal Survey. About 2,250 producers from the general farm population will be surveyed. The 2007 Renewal Client Impact Assessment Survey will measure specific program outcomes experienced by Renewal program clients. About 1,050 Renewal clients will be surveyed. This applied paper presents the results of the 2004 survey in greater details and analyzes farm management practices in Canada.




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