

Like many other countries, Russia is suffering from the rapid depopulation of rural areas and the decline of the rural economy. State policy to mitigate the negative effects of these processes has for years considered agriculture as the main pillar of rural development, and most government decisions are aimed at supporting it. Recently, a new state strategy for rural development was formulated, and in 2019 an ambitious national program was approved. They assume different opportunities for economic development and well-being of the rural population, depending on the availability of natural and human resources, the degree of peripherality, and other features. The article provides an overview of the current state of rural areas of the Russian Federation. It focuses on the main problems faced by rural areas at the national level, and also reveals regional differences in rural development. The study is based mainly on the authors' research based on the analysis of national statistical data sources, including the Russian Agricultural Census of 2016. It shows the possible effects of the new state policy on rural development, such as encouraging community-based initiatives and promoting housing construction through preferential rural mortgage programs. Finally, the authors present a brief description of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the development of rural areas in Russia and try to predict its further consequences.




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