      recid = {344185},
      author = {Countryman, Amanda M.  and Litvinov, Valentyn  and  Kolodiazhnyi, Ivan  and Bogonos, Mariia  and Nivievskyi,  Oleg },
      title = {Agricultural and Economywide Effects of the War in  Ukraine},
      address = {2024-06-01},
      number = {938-2024-845},
      pages = {52},
      month = {Jun},
      year = {2024},
      abstract = {The war in Ukraine caused export disruptions that  jeopardize the availability and affordability of  agricultural and food products around the world. This  research employs a computable general equilibrium modeling  framework to understand the global economic effects of  warinduced agricultural export declines under varying  success of alternate transport from Ukraine given inability  to export through the Black Sea. Results show net global  welfare effects ranging from more than $5 billion to nearly  $20 billion depending on the success of transport through  European Solidarity Lanes. },
      url = {http://ageconsearch.umn.edu/record/344185},
      doi = {https://doi.org/10.22004/ag.econ.344185},