

This study examined Farmers comparison of compatibility of indigenous and improved yam storage technologies in Delta and Edo states of Nigeria. A sample size of four hundred and forty-nine thousand (449) yam farmers were interviewed. Data for the study were collected through interview schedule using structured questionnaire. Data collected were subjected to analysis using statistical packages for social sciences (SPSS). Results of data analysis show that majority (79.1%) of the yam farmers were males while 20.9% were females and the mean age of the yam farmers was 47 years. Majority (30.7%) of the farmers’ possessed junior secondary school certificate with a average farming experience of 13 years. The mean responses from the respondents reviewed that indigenous and improved yam storage technologies are technically, economically, socio-culturally and environmentally compatible in the study area. It is therefore recommended that Indigenous and improved yam storage technologies be used simultaneously by yam farmers since they are technically, economically, socio-culturally and environmentally compatible. There is need to develop and construct packages of improved yam storage technologies and be given to yam farmers at a subsidies rate. High publicity to improved yam storage technologies for adoption by farmers is a necessity.




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