

Excerpts: For a good many years the Department of Agriculture and the Land Grant Colleges have been working together to make a better rural life in this country. All that is a long story, well known to all of you. One of the latest chapters in the story deals with this activity known as the "county planning project", or more recently called the "county land-use planning project". Present planning work, like the chapter of any continued story, is an outgrowth of the events that preceded it. Experience thus far with the various agricultural programs started since 1933 has developed three important problems for the Department of Agriculture and the Land Grant Colleges: 1) How to administer a national program so as to accomplish its national objectives and at the same time fit it to the many local variations so that it will serve the needs of each locality; 2) How to coordinate the various Federal, State and local agricultural programs so that they are essentially a single program when they reach the individual farm; 3) How to clarify the working relationships of the Department of Agriculture and the Land Grant Colleges.




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