

This paper delimits and characterizes the cooperative sector in Parana economy and breaks down the agricultural sectors and the components of food processing industries of input-output tables, built for State for the years of 1980 and 1985, in Cooperative and non-Cooperative sectors. The goal is to characterize, in systemic order, the intersectorial relations outline, detect the key- sectors and verify the evolution of the productive structure in Parana, highlighting the sectors related to Cooperatives. The analysis is made for 40 sectors. The main conclusions showed that: Paper Prod. & Printing and Textiles sectors were key-sectors in 1980 and 1985, therefore, dynamic and important sectors for the State’s economic growth; the productive structure of Parana proved to be more diversified from 1980 to 1985, showing consequent increase of economic complexity; the agricultural cooperatives technical coefficient were very similar to the non-cooperatives, showing that the first are closely following the technological evolution occurred in the non-cooperatives that act in Agricultural sector and food processing industries.




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