The objective of this work is to analyze coffee production and processing in the economic structure of Minas Gerais, to determine its importance and its linkages to the structure of the State economy, by using input-output matrix. Therefore, it is determined linkages indexes of Rasmussen-Hirschman, boarding fields, pure linkage index (GHS) and regional multipliers of product, income and employment. These applications are complementary to the identification of key sectors of the economy. The 1995 input-output matrix was used. Linkages indexes of Rasmussen-Hirschman and the analysis of the influence field pointed out that coffee production presents multiplying indicators above those of the economy, presenting higher backward and forward linkages. The coffee processing sector presents only backward linkage effects. In the multipliers analysis, it was observed that coffee production sector showed better performance in terms of product and income generation, while the coffee processing industry, in terms of product and of job multipliers.