

Considering the Central-Southern region in Brazil and based on data from the Ministry of Labor and Employment and the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply, the development of sugar and ethanol production has been compared with the number and types of people formally employed by companies in that sector, from 2007 to 2009. In the companies dedicated to the sugarcane planting, the number of employed persons fell in those three years, while it was increasing in companies dedicated to the production of sugar and ethanol. Concerning the occupation category, an increase in the number of persons employed in industrial, administrative, support or not sugar and ethanol activities was found, while the number of persons employed in agriculture was decreasing. In this case, there was a reduction in not qualified sugarcane workers and growth of workers of the agricultural mechanization, facts related to the increase of the adoption of mechanized harvesting of sugarcane. No significant change occurred in seasonal employment of not qualified sugarcane workers, which remained very high. The most expressive increase of the production compared to the number of employed persons reflected in indicators of yield, with growth of the production ratio of the sugarcane as to the total of employed people as to the number of non-qualified sugarcane workers. Moreover, a significant reduction in the ratio of this group of workers with the area harvested with sugarcane was revealed.




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