

Purpose. The purpose of this article is to develop and test the methodological foundations for researching the international experience in the application and development of the economic mechanism of public administration of food security, to identify typical patterns of public administration in developed countries, with the purpose of further implementing the acquired knowledge in Ukraine. Methodology / approach. In this study, the following methods were used: theoretical generalization, abstract-logical and formalisation (systematisation of theoretical positions regarding methodological foundations of the study), financial-economic and statistical analysis (identification of trends in key indicators changes), correlation and regression analysis (determining the dependence of the global food security index on the development indicator of the economic mechanism); abstract-logical and graphical (visual representation of results). An original research methodology for the international experience in the application and development of the economic mechanism of public administration of food security has been developed. The empirical part of the study is conducted using data from countries in Europe, America, and Asia for the period from 1836–2022. Results. The results of the conducted analysis demonstrate a gradual change of the development of the economic mechanism of state management of food security across all components of public administration. The determined absolute indicator of the development of the economic mechanism of public administration of food security proves Finland’s leading positions, amounting to 108.35, which is a benchmark value. The results of the correlation and regression analysis indicate a close connection between the development indicator of the economic mechanism of state management of food security and the global food security index across its components, proving the key role of the economic mechanism in state management. The constructed model of the spiral dynamics of the development of the economic mechanism of state management of food security is characterised by cyclical movement from the domestic needs of countries to the global scales of the international level. Originality / scientific novelty. For the first time, a methodology for researching the international experience in the application and development of the economic mechanism of public administration of food security has been proposed, which, unlike existing ones, allows evaluating the implementation of certain functions of individual state management bodies, the development of regulations and directions of state policy aimed at ensuring food security in terms of its components. Practical value / implications. The main results of the study can be used for further evaluation of other countries to determine their positions on the world stage and the implementation of best practices in state management, as well as for researching the economic mechanism of state management in other areas of social life.




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