

Excerpts: I am most thoroughly convinced that a more effective farm program will be put into execution if Extension Service workers and employers will persistently, earnestly, and honestly make a searching effort to find out what actually is the reaction of migrants. Before attempting to relate the findings revealed by these field trips, may I say that, as a Negro, I am fully convinced that very few white men will ever be able to ascertain the innermost private thinking of the Negro migrant. As a result, very few Extension Service employees and farmers actually know an infinitesimal part of what is in the mind of the migrant. Too often, when a white official seeks information, the Negro migrant, unless convinced beyond a doubt that the interviewer is a friend, will shut up like a clam or will furnish the official with information which the migrant thinks pleases the inquirer. I am further convinced that the migrants very frequently withhold information regarding the difficulties which they encounter resulting from poor employer-employee relationships. It is evident that there are several major factors which concern the migrant. --- Acceptable Housing -- Employer-Employee Relationships (Camp Management – Field Management – Transportation – Wages).




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