The study examines and seeks grants to generate and transfer compatible technologies with the socioeconomic status of beekeepers. Data were extracted from the Census Beekeeping, involving 75 municipalities with significant beekeeping activity. Factor analysis was used to characterize the technological level of beekeepers. The results showed low technological level. Using the factor scores the gross rate of development was calculated. With higher values of this index, Conceição de Macabu, Areal, Duas Barras, Rio Claro, Cardoso Moreira, Cachoeiras de Macacu, Campos dos Goytacazes, Natividade e Nova Iguaçu cities were highlighted. It was found that the level of education has affected positively the development of beekeepers. This development was also affected by the technical assistance, by the management and exchange of queen practice and by the migratory beekeeping. Thus, the modernization of beekeepers to improve the technological level, expand productivity and diversify their production necessarily involves knowledge level of the beekeeper and the socioeconomic situation.