Organic farming creates a market for environmental goods and services, and farmers can be rewarded for their agri-environment management through premium prices and the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). The objective of this work was to characterize the farmers of the Center Region from the socioeconomic point of view and to evaluate the willingness to change the productive mode for organic farming and to identify the main difficulties for change. The study of the effects of agricultural policies on the evolution of organic farming was carried out. Studies were conducted through face-to- face interviews resulting in two case studies. The case studies present different but complementary methodologies. The work revealed that CAP has contributed to the development of this sector and the data obtained allow researchers to develop techniques for farmers to overcome obstacles and increase the competitiveness of the value chain. Generational renewal and increased farm size are factors to consider for the progress of organic farming. It is necessary to generate training appropriate to the needs, to provide accurate and real information about the difficulties and benefits of this mode of agriculture.