

Information regarding genetic diversity and genetic relationships among different genotypes is invaluable in crop improvement of which its success is largely dependent on genetic variability. As molecular markers continue to be an effective tool for localization of a gene to improvement of plant varieties, the need to establish phylogenetic relationships becomes extremely important for the process of breeding new cultivars. This study reports genetic diversity for Tomato accessions across Nigeria (Six geo-Political Zones) as revealed by chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) and Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. cpDNA data showed a Nucleotide diversity for all accessions of Tomato at 0.302 while the number of segregated sites as well as parsimony informative sites to be 4.0. Data from five Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) primers showed a low Gene diversity (h) which ranged from 0.10 to 0.28, Percentage polymorphism (Pp) ranged from 20 % to 84%. The Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic Mean (UPGMA) dendrogram grouped the accessions into two groups at similarity coefficient of 72%, with a value of r = 0.98, showing an excellent correlation between the accessions and the values of the initial distances (similarity matrix). Similar results were seen with the dendrogram constructed for genetic relationships of Tomato accessions using RAPD or cpDNA (you have mentioned RAPD up) markers. Split tree analysis equally revealed a 2 structured gene pool for Tomato gene pool in Nigeria. The high homogeneity of species observed in the study signifies a low genetic diversity and limited variability in tomato species in Nigeria. Amongst the consequences of low genetic diversity is the absence of unique variants that can possibly combat disease conditions or adapt to unfavourable environmental changes. The use of both cpDNA and RAPD markers in this study has efficiently shown that continuous cycling/shuffling of species within the narrow gene pool is expected to lead to a continuous reduction in genetic variability. No addition of new variant into the gene pool and in turn leads to inbreeding depression, thus suggesting the need to breed with known wild cultivars to increase genetic variability.




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