This research paper aims to evaluate the performance of DSSAT CERES-Rice model in simulating the impact of different (28 °C, 30 °C and 32 °C) increased temperatures change with the relations of five upland rice genotypes (Dawk Pa-yawm, Mai Tahk, Bow Leb Nahng, Dawk Kha 50 and Dawk Kahm) on grain yield for future crop management. Results showed that temperature significantly affected grain yields, harvest index, flowering and maturity date which indicate that medium temperature (30 °C) gave highest grain yield bearing genotype Dawk Kahm (6,700 kg/ ha) whereas at maximum temperature (32 °C), simulated grain yields varied from 3094 to 6460 kg/ ha. Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) values of simulated and observed data less than 10% indicated that grain weight, leaf area index, tillers number and harvest index had more consistency agreement with the yield. Thus, it was proved that the CERES-Rice crop simulation model was more useful as a tool for different phenological traits under changing temperature conditions. And the model approximated grain yields at different temperatures with reasonable accuracy.