      recid = {340232},
      author = {Andresen, Martin Eckhoff},
      title = {Exploring marginal treatment effects: Flexible estimation  using Stata},
      journal = {Stata Journal},
      address = {2018-01},
      number = {199-2024-606},
      year = {2018},
      abstract = {In settings that exhibit selection on both levels and  gains, marginal treatment effects (MTE) allow us to go  beyond local average treatment effects and estimate the  whole distribution of effects. In this article, I survey  the theory behind MTE and introduce the package mtefe,  which uses several estimation methods to fit MTE models.  This package provides important improvements and  flexibility over existing packages such as margte (Brave  and Walstrum, 2014, Stata Journal 14: 191–217) and  calculates various treatment-effect parameters based on the  results. I illustrate the use of the package with  examples.},
      url = {http://ageconsearch.umn.edu/record/340232},
      doi = {https://doi.org/10.22004/ag.econ.340232},