

The general purpose of this cooperative survey report is to present information on water and related land resources in the Chama-Otowi Sub-Basin in the Upper Rio Grande basin, New Mexico. Problems concerning the conservation and use of land and water are identified and recommendations are made for solving some of these problems through programs of the U. S. Department of Agriculture and other Federal and State agencies. Specific objectives of the study were: 1. Identification of areas where vegetative manipulation might improve water yield. 2. To provide a basis for coordinated U. S. Department of Agriculture program activity in watershed protection, flood prevention, and agricultural water management. 3. Identification of opportunities for improving the agricultural economy. 4. Appraisal of opportunities of meeting local objectives with U. S. Department of Agriculture project-type programs. 5. Appraisal of development needs that contribute to a plan for coordinated control, regulation, and management of the water and related land resources. 6. Appraisal of the potential, needs, and desires of the human resource and indicate programs, procedures, and assistance possible and necessary to help the local people provide their full contribution to the economy and culture of the sub-basin. The Chama-Otowi Sub-Basin is in north central New Mexico. It includes all of the Rio Chama in New Mexico and that portion of the Rio Grande and tributaries between the U. S. Geological Survey stream flow gages at Embudo and Otowi. It contains approximately 2,445,000 acres (3,820 square miles).




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