

Excerpts from the Compiler’s Note: This bibliography lists publications and postgraduate theses in the field of forestry economics issued in the United States and Canada in 1960, 1961, and 1962. Sources consulted in compiling the present bibliography include the following: Card catalogs at the libraries of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Syracuse University, Cornell University, and State University College of Forestry; Bibliography of Agriculture and other bibliographies of forestry and of economics; Forestry Abstracts; Economic Abstracts; Dissertation Abstracts; annual reports and publication lists of U.S. Forest Service Experiment Stations; U.S. Superintendent of Documents Catalog of the Public Documents; forestry, economics, and wood-industry trade journals; Canadian Department of Forestry and provinces publication lists; Books in Print; and indexes and review sections of pertinent periodicals. All works listed have been reviewed, with the exception of those marked with an asterisk. The compiler thanks the Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, for sponsoring and publishing this bibliography.




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