      recid = {329775},
      author = {Foreign Demand and Competition Division, Economic Research  Service},
      title = {Indices of Agricultural Production for Europe and the  USSR:  Average 1961-65 and Annual 1966 Through 1975},
      address = {1976-06},
      number = {1485-2022-2158},
      series = {ERS-629},
      pages = {46},
      year = {1976},
      abstract = {Excerpts from the Introduction:  Europe and the USSR  produce and consume a large share of the world's food and  fiber.  Assessment of the agricultural and food situation  in these areas is basic to a knowledge of world production,  consumption, and trade in food and fibers.  The indices  presented in this publication are a part of the continuing  effort of the Economic Research Service (ERS) to assess the  world agricultural situation.  The country indices are  calculated by Laspeyres' base-weighted aggregate formula.   The weights used in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union are  estimates of the 1961-65 average price received by farmers  in Western Europe, and for West European countries they are  the average base period prices received by farmers in each  of the individual countries, expressed in U.S. dollars per  metric ton.  Regional indices are computed from sums of  country aggregates.  Only those agricultural products of  considerable significance in the respective countries are  included.  Production data are listed under the year in  which the bulk of the harvest occurred.},
      url = {http://ageconsearch.umn.edu/record/329775},
      doi = {https://doi.org/10.22004/ag.econ.329775},