      recid = {329577},
      author = {Baron, Donald},
      title = {Land Reform in Sub-Saharan Africa:  An Annotated  Bibliography},
      address = {1978},
      number = {1479-2022-2078},
      series = {NRED Working Paper No. 56},
      pages = {100},
      year = {1978},
      note = {This study was prepared in partial fulfillment of a  reimbursable agreement between AID and NRE.  It is being  submitted as a working paper to bring the issues of African  land reform to the attention of other researchers in the  Division and Agency.},
      abstract = {Excerpt from the Introduction:  The purpose of this  annotated bibliography is to summarize the views presented  in recent books and articles that have studied the  relationship between land tenure and economic development  in Sub-Saharan Africa.  This summary is divided into the  following five annotation sections: (1) The Group-Ownership  Pattern; (2) The Individualization Process; (3) New Land  Tenure Problems Created by the Individualization Process;  (4) Land Registration and Consolidation: Possible Solutions  to the Problems of Uncertainty and Fragmentation; and (5)  Land Reform in Kenya.  Each section reviews a specific land  reform issue or set of related issues.},
      url = {http://ageconsearch.umn.edu/record/329577},
      doi = {https://doi.org/10.22004/ag.econ.329577},