Excerpts from the Preface: This bibliography, which is a revision and enlargement of the Bibliography on the Use of Airplanes in Insect Control, 1922-1933, compiled by W. E. McBath in 1934, covers the years 1919 through 1944. For Russian material, the bibliography prepared by Korotkikh was a valuable source. The references selected for inclusion are those on the relation of aircraft to the control of crop pests, forest insects, and mosquitoes, to the transportation of disease vectors, together with the attendant problems of quarantine and disinfestation, and to insecticidal injury to bees, livestock, etc.; aircraft studies of aerial fauna; and aerial scouting and mapping of infested areas. The annotations show insects affected, localities, materials, equipment, technique, and other information pertinent to the operations described. The arrangement is chronological and alphabetical by author for each year, and an author and subject index is provided.