@article{Dillon:321160, recid = {321160}, author = {Dillon, Emma J. and Moran, Brian}, title = {Smartphone farming in Ireland}, address = {2022-04}, number = {2450-2022-1073}, pages = {12}, year = {2022}, abstract = {This paper provides a baseline assessment of Irish farmer engagement with digital technologies in operating their farm businesses pre-COVID using nationally representative data from the 2019 Teagasc National Farm Survey. The analysis thus identifies those farmers most equipped to adapt to the changing communication and operational environment and those most vulnerable to exclusion and isolation. Survey results confirm that dairy farmers are more engaged with computer and smartphone technology in operating their farm business. Preliminary econometric investigations confirm the importance of socio-demographic factors relating to both farm and household in influencing farmer uptake of such technology. More engaged farmers tended to be younger, living in younger households and with higher agri-educational qualifications. Conversely, older farmers living alone, were less likely to use ICT in conducting their farm business. Further in-depth econometric investigation is required to explore the drivers and barriers to technology adoption.}, url = {http://ageconsearch.umn.edu/record/321160}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.22004/ag.econ.321160}, }