

Excerpts from the report Introduction: This supplement is designed for use with the Poultry and Egg Situation, a report issued periodically by the Economic Research Service. It augments and replaces many of the historical series previously carried in the situation report. Most of these statistical series originate within the Statistical Reporting Service of USDA. A number of series were developed by other USDA agencies including the Economic Research Service, Consumer and Marketing Service, and Foreign Agricultural Service. Non-USDA agencies contributing series are the Bureau of the Census and the Bureau of Labor Statistics. A summary table containing data designed to keep the monthly statistics of this supplement up to date appears in the Poultry and Egg Situation, along with other special tables. Most tables in this supplement provide space for posting data through 1965. Since this publication mainly features information for the United States as a whole, users of poultry and egg statistics may wish to supplement this information with data from the following reports which contain annual data by States: (1) Chickens and Eggs--Farm Production, Cash Receipts, and Gross Income, and (2) Turkeys--Farm Production, Disposition, and Gross Income.




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