

Report Summary: The Federal Date Marketing Order, in operation continuously since 1955 and amended three times, appears to have been successful in improving the farm price. The annual price received has been stabilized, with a slight increasing trend. Quantities sold as whole or pitted dates have been stabilized. Quantities sold for products have increased rapidly. However, the quantity of dates held over from one crop year to the next has steadily increased, posing a potentially serious problem for the industry. Although the Order may not be responsible, the number of packers has decreased and their average size has increased. The Order, which was preceded by the California Date Marketing Order, provides for minimum grade, size, quality, and container regulations, mandatory inspection and certification, research, and volume control. It applies only to the four most important date varieties: Deglet Noor, Zahidi, Khadrawy, and Halawy. U.S. date production is concentrated in the Coachella Valley of California. The industry is young but produces about half of the dates consumed in the United States.




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