

Excerpts from the report Preface: This bibliography is intended (1) to provide a basic source of information on agricultural cooperation for teachers, research workers, students, and for members of the general public; (2) to assist the officials and members of farmers' cooperatives; and (3) to aid the Cooperative Research and Service Division of the Farm Credit Administration in its research, educational, and service activities for farmers' cooperative associations. It includes important references on all phases of agricultural cooperation, such as farmers' marketing and purchasing associations; agricultural cooperative credit; cooperative marketing of agricultural products; cooperative farms and farming; cooperation in the management or use of grain elevators, creameries, cotton gins, canneries, farm machinery and equipment, forest resources; cooperative operation of insurance, irrigation, telephone, electric, health, and other community services. Since a study of the theory and practice of cooperation is a desirable prerequisite to the study of agricultural cooperatives, selected references on the general subject of cooperation and on the history of cooperation throughout the world have been included. Likewise, selected references on consumers' cooperation have been included because (1) information on the consumer cooperative movement provides a background for the study of agricultural cooperation; and (2) many principles relating to consumers' cooperation are applicable to cooperation in agriculture.




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