      recid = {31799},
      author = {Chaddad, Fabio Ribas and Cook, Michael L.},
      title = {The Emergence of Non-Traditional Cooperative Structures:  Public and Private Policy Issues},
      address = {2003},
      number = {1261-2016-101834},
      series = {Contributed Paper},
      pages = {13},
      year = {2003},
      abstract = {This paper examines new agricultural cooperative  organizational models from an ownership rights perspective.  We argue that new cooperative organizational models differ  in the way ownership rights are assigned to the economic  agents tied contractually to the firm - members, patrons,  and investors. The paper proposes a typology of discrete  organizational models, in which the traditional cooperative  structure and the investor-oriented firm are characterized  as polar forms. Five non-traditional models are described  and analyzed with implications to both private and public  policy.},
      url = {http://ageconsearch.umn.edu/record/31799},
      doi = {https://doi.org/10.22004/ag.econ.31799},