

Most countries of the Far East and Oceania estimated significant gains in GNP for 1970. Farm production was up in all countries except in Japan, Korea, Cambodia, and New Zealand. Most gains can be attributed to the increased use of modern technology, particularly more fertilizer, high-yielding seeds, and irrigation. If average weather prevails, total farm production is likely to rise again in 1971 in all developing countries except possibly those of Indo-China. Programs to restrict rice production in Japan and wheat in Australia will keep the total outturn for the developed countries near the 1970 level. Reflecting an upgrading of the average diet, the market for imported farm products is expanding and diversifying. U.S. exports of agricultural commodities to the region reached a record $2.5 billion in 1970. U.S. exports to Japan topped $1 billion. Nevertheless, the United States faces increased competition for Far East markets, most notably from Australia and Western Europe.




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