Excerpts from the report: This study was designed to provide information needed to develop a more efficient transportation program for soybeans, cottonseed, and their products handled by farmer cooperatives, and to delineate transportation factors affecting the most favorable locations for soybean and cottonseed processing and handling facilities. Specific objectives of the study were: 1. To analyze movements of soybeans, cottonseed, and their products (oil and meal) from: a. Country points, elevators, and cotton gins to processing plants. b. Processing plants to other facilities, consumers, or export. 2. To identify methods of transportation and calculate the costs of movements. 3. To evaluate the influence of transportation costs and transit privileges in these movements. 4. To determine the relationship of transportation factors to potential locations of new processing plants. 5. To develop flow patterns from sources of soybeans and cottonseed through processing to destinations. 6. To determine seasonal patterns of such movements.