Excerpts from the report Summary: Uganda's major cash crop is coffee, for which the United States is the major customer, importing chiefly Robusta coffee. The second of the major cash crops is cotton. Together they account for approximately 65 percent of Uganda's exports and primarily determine the country's foreign exchange earnings. Agriculture, mainly subsistence-type farming, supports over 95 percent of the population, which is increasing at a rate of 2.5 percent annually. Uganda, a landlocked country, is largely self-sufficient in agriculture and food needs, and the country has no serious land shortage problems at this time. Agricultural activities account for about 60 percent of the gross domestic product and 80 percent of total exports. The major structural weakness of the Ugandan economy is its dependence on the world market prices of coffee and cotton. There is a pressing need for the establishment and development of agro-business enterprises to supply consumer products for the expanding domestic market.