Excerpts from the report: As the first step in its study of employee incentive plans, Farmer Cooperative Service made a comprehensive review of literature covering the use of such plans in various kinds of businesses outside the cooperative field. An effort was made to determine the factors contributing to the success or failure of these plans. Information covered such points as methods, results, management and employee attitudes, special requirements, conditions for success, and pitfalls. A summary of this information was published in 1955 as a general guide to farmer cooperatives interested in adopting some form of employee incentive payment plan. This report is the second phase of the study. It gives basic information on the use, general extent, and types of employee incentive compensation plans reported by farmer cooperatives in 1957. It also provides more complete identification of the various employee incentive compensation plans in use, the specific types of cooperatives using them, and associations which have tried and discontinued incentive plans.