

Excerpts from the report: When a farmer has corn for sale with excessive moisture, he must dry the corn on the farm or at a country elevator which does custom drying, or he must take price discounts. If the farmer elects to sell the corn without drying it, the elevator operator then has to decide whether he in turn should market the wet corn or whether he should dry it to avoid moisture discounts and risk of spoilage. To get information on this corn drying problem, the Farmer Cooperative Service and Purdue University studied operations on the 1952 crop in a number of elevators, cooperatives and others, in Indiana ... a State representative of the Corn Belt. The phase of the study reported on here showed less than 10 percent of the Indiana elevators and relatively fewer farmers have grain driers. This report deals with one phase of the overall problem of grain conditioning — the present costs, charges, and practices for artificially drying corn at country and terminal elevators.




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