      recid = {313683},
      author = {Gallimore, William W.},
      title = {Synthetics and Substitutes for Agricultural Products:   Projections for 1980  },
      address = {1972-03},
      number = {2393-2021-2743},
      series = {Marketing Research Report No. 947},
      pages = {74},
      year = {1972},
      abstract = {This report describes the present market penetration of  substitutes and synthetics available for food and beverages  and for apparel and furnishings.  Synthetics and  substitutes have captured about 21 percent of retail citrus  beverage purchases; margarine has more than two-thirds of  the table spread market; and other foods and beverages,  including whipping cream and sweeteners have lost sales to  new products.  Nearly half of all broadwoven goods are made  from synthetic fibers or a blend containing synthetic and  natural fibers.  At least two levels of market penetration  by synthetics and substitutes are projected for 1980 for  red meat and poultry, dairy products, leather, wool,  cotton, sweeteners, and citrus products.  Changes in land  resources are shown for each projected level of market  penetration.  Agriculture is expected to maintain its  position as major supplier of our food and fiber needs in  1980.  Synthetics are not expected to cause major  adjustment problems for agriculture through the 70's.},
      url = {http://ageconsearch.umn.edu/record/313683},
      doi = {https://doi.org/10.22004/ag.econ.313683},