

Excerpts from the report: The California -Arizona area is the Nation's leading producer and shipper of fresh fruits and vegetables. The application of modern techniques of agricultural irrigation in a generally dry, semitropical area has created an environment ideally suited to raising vegetable and fruit crops. In recent years, production moved by truck and rail from both States as fresh commodities has averaged about 350,000 carlot equivalents annually. Shipments originate from 24 specialized farming districts scattered over the bi-State area. Many producers in these districts market several harvests a year. This unique production capacity generates a year-round demand for transportation equipment. This report presents an appraisal of the part played by rail and motor carriers in the out-of-State marketing of fresh fruits and vegetables grown in California and Arizona. Major emphasis is focused on the demand for rail or motor transportation. The competitive status of each type of carrier is examined from patterns revealed in 1960 data gathered direct from fruit and vegetable shippers, and from 1951-60 trends derived from data published by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. In addition, the report suggests guidelines for future research in related fields of transportation.




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