

Report Summary: Oranges developed rind breakdown after being rotated on the roller brushes of the washing and cleaning equipment for 1, 3, or 5 minutes. The amount of rind breakdown increased with the length of time fruit was brushed and was further increased by 1, 2, or 3 days' delay in brushing the fruit. Pineapple and Murcott Honey oranges were more susceptible to rind breakdown than Valencia oranges when held at 70° F. and 85 percent relative humidity before washing and brushing. The susceptibility of the Valencia orange to rind breakdown increased when the oranges were held at 85° F. and 75 or 50 percent relative humidity. Softness of oranges and their position on brushes contributed to susceptibility to rind breakdown. Oranges should be washed and brushed as soon as possible after harvest; excessive brushing should be avoided. In preliminary tests, Marsh and Ruby Red grapefruit did not develop rind breakdown from brushing or from delay in handling.




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