

Repot Summary: Analysis of 1801 samples of 1963-crop hard red winter and hard red spring wheat showed the sedimentation value to be more highly correlated with bread-baking quality as measured by the Doty "flour evaluation score” in most of the 33 areas of production than were either the protein content or any of the farinogram characteristics. Protein content in most areas was more highly correlated with bread-loaf volume than were either the sedimentation value or any of the farinogram characteristics. Bread-loaf volume, however , is considered to be only one of the important factors of quality included in determining the flour evaluation score, and therefore to be less reliable than flour evaluation score as an index of bread-baking quality. In most areas sedimentation was also correlated more highly than was protein content with mixing time, mixing tolerance, MTI value, and valorimeter value. Essentially the same relationships were found among sedimentation, protein, farinogram characteristics, and bread-baking quality when the 1962 and 1963 crop data were combined.




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