Excerpts from the report: Costs of containers and of loading, transportation, and other handling make up a substantial part of the total costs of marketing cantaloups and various other fruits and vegetables. The size, shape, construction, and other characteristics of containers affect to a large extent the efficiency and economy with which most perishable foods can be packed, handled, transported, and refrigerated during marketing. These same characteristics of containers also determine how well perishable commodities can be protected against physical damage and spoilage during marketing. Several different types of containers for cantaloups have been developed and introduced during the past three shipping seasons. This study was made to evaluate the new designs as well as methods of loading and handling the containers. The new containers included (1) an improved nailed wooden container, known as the WGA (Western Growers Association) panel-end crate, (2) a full-telescope fiberboard container, and (3) a new type of wirebound container. This study was undertaken to (1) determine whether the new containers would significantly reduce container damage and melon bruising, (2) measure the economies that might be achieved from use of the new containers, and (3) assist shippers in developing and testing the most effective method of loading and bracing the new containers for shipment.