Excerpts from the Introduction: Farmers are interested in the amount of processing done by the marketing system, for processing is part of marketing costs. If these costs can be held down, there may be a possibility of a broader market for farm commodities. Because of the continuing emphasis on "convenience" foods, consumers, too, are interested in the kind and amount of marketing services being provided. They want to know how much such services cost, and, to some extent, who buys them. It is the purpose of this report to show the importance of such marketing services to one segment of the "away-from-home" market for food--employee food services in manufacturing plants. Included are data on (1 ) expenditures for commodities with varying amounts of processing, (2) an estimate of the extent of preparation still to be done in the institutional kitchens, and (3) observations on trends in the growth of this market in terms of additional food services and in their use of food processed by marketing agencies.