

Excerpts from the report: A strong need exists for new or improved fats and oils to enable the fats and oils industry to maintain and strengthen its competitive position in food and industrial markets in the United States. Greater use of fat in feeds appeared to be an excellent possibility. The purpose of the present study is to determine the factors governing use, level of use, and manufacturers’ considerations when using fats in feeds and feed ingredients and to evaluate the importance of this relatively new outlet for fats and oils. This report deals with fats added to feeds. The roughly 3 percent of fat naturally contained in most formula feeds is recognized, but not included in the analyses of levels of added fats used in various formulations. Mixed-feed manufacturers, oilseed processors, and alfalfa-meal manufacturers were interviewed. Nearly 100 firms participated in the study; their use accounted for over 60 percent of all added fats in feeds.




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