Excerpts from the report Introduction: Wholesale food marketing facilities that were designed for volumes and conditions of many years ago are definitely inadequate for today's needs. This is especially true in San Juan, P.R. Realizing this, the government of Puerto Rico, the city of San Juan, and various interested groups requested the U.S. Department of Agriculture to conduct research studies to improve the facilities being used. The study, which was under the supervision of the Transportation and Facilities Research Division of the Agricultural Research Service, had the following objectives: 1. To analyze the existing food wholesaling facilities in San Juan to determine the adequacy for present and future needs. 2. To estimate the major costs of handling food products in the present wholesale markets and facilities. 3. To determine the kinds and amounts of facilities needed for efficient wholesale marketing of food in San Juan. 4. To estimate the costs of construction and income required for improved marketing facilities. 5. To outline the benefits that might be derived from improved and efficient handling facilities.